Project One
Fast Food Branding

For this assignment you will be branding a fast food restaurant, but not in the traditional sense. You will be able to choose the type of food / Restaurant type that your interested in, but to push you out of your comfort zone you will be drawing 3 cards that will determine the direction that you pursue. This will make more sense when you see the examples. 

Being able to take someones else ideas and attributes about what they want a brand to look like is a fundamental part of being a practicing designer and more specifically in brand design. You won’t always get to make the brand what you think it should look like you will have to give the client what they want while making it look great.

This assignment will still allow plenty of room for exploration as I will let you start to interpret what the categories and descriptors actually mean. With this in mind I will still be grading you based on how well you have developed the brand to match the descriptors.

Have fun with this and design a brand that you would patronize! 

Food Type Choices:

- Pizza

- Coffee

- Fried Chicken

- Tacos / Burritos

- Vegan/Vegetarian 

- Ice Cream / Smoothies



- Salad

- Italian 

- Deli

- Indian


- Seafood / Cajun


13 x 19 BRAND BOARDS / PDF Presentation:

Logo and Branding System

Menu (Handheld and Menu Boards)

(3) To Go Packaging (Bag, Cup, Boxes, Wraps, Etc) (Choose what makes sense for your brand and food type) (Also think about these as a system)*

(3) Signage Applications (Wall Murals, Interior Signage / Menu, External Signage, Floor Graphics, etc)*

Optional: Employee Uniforms / Other Collateral 

*These categories should be created without the use of PSD mock ups.

(Minimum 4 Boards Total) (PDF) (Digital so use as many as you need to lay them out in an interesting way)

(2) 1080 PX (Width) x 1920 PX (Height) Images that showcase your brand and collateral. Think about how to show this off! 


9 / 19 / 23


Introduce Project
Choose Type of Food
Choose Brand Attributes


(3) Moodboards for your concept. Think about combinations of your attributes and don't silo each attribute onto its own artboard.

Think about how you can combine your attributes together to form something unqiue and different. Research your differnt attributes and the history of your food etc. Concept is going to be king for this project. 

With these moodboards I am much more interested in things are "undesigned" or from culture. Think about found type, pattern, texture, materials, etc? CONCEPT IS KING! Think back to your boring companies. Let you design be influenced by your concecpt. These boards should be both about design and your concept in general.

Try not pull from existing food / hospitality concepts. We are trying to create something new and different not rehash something that has already been done.

9 / 21 / 23


Critique concepts and moodboards


Some of you may need to spend extra time refining and fine tuning your moodboards before you start sketching ideas.

10-15 Business Name Ideas. Think conceptually as well as visually? What looks cool and what tells your conceptual story. 

(45) sketches for (2) directions of exploration and sketches for a total of (90). Think about how these would translate to brand systems. More than just a logo. Pencil and  Paper for this round.

9 / 26 / 23


Review Sketches


Begin moving into the computer. Begin to develop your unique brand concepts. Use your history and research to make them feel different. Even within one moodboard you will have plenty of room to explore. 

Build (2) distinct concepts using different marks, colors, typography, and style. Think about primary, secondary, and different lock ups? Explore color, typography. Do several explorations of applications for each concept. See how you can extend the brands you have created.

You will be presenting to the class and recieve a grade on this presentation.

9 / 28 / 23


Critique concepts / sketches


Continue to work on your presentations. Make sure you concepts differentiate from one another

Be prepared to present and talk through your ideas / concepts. You will be recieving a grade for this presentation and also getting feedback from your classmates / others.

Presentations will be graded. Be Professional. Practice and be prepared to explain your design decesions and concepts. 

10 / 3 / 23  


Concept Presentations


Pick a final direction(s) to refine based on your classmates feedback. Do MORE EXPLORATION around your now more solidified idea. MAKE LOTS OF STUFF!

10 /  5  / 23


Review Refinement


Make refinements and continue to explore the differrent ways you can extend your brand. 

How do things begin to lock up together? Do they combine into one mark or exist seperately? Even seperately how can they relate to one another. Typographically how can you create lock up's that can stand alone?

Bring in (1) (Maybe 2 if you need?) refined brand concepts with some explorations. 

Additonal moodboard of signage and collateral elements. What fits your brand?

Additonal moodboard of packaging ideas. Think material and form.

10 / 10 / 23


Critique Refined Concept / Concepts

Custom Packaging Demo 


Disucss Packaging and Brand 


Begin to explore packaging system. Think about what you need to package.  Do several explorations of packaging forms and systems. Ultimately will need a minimum of (3) different packaging pieces.

How do these work as a system? Don't let them start to get formulaic. Think about how to use langauge and secondary elements. How can you do more with less? Add labeling / value? Don't just slap your logo on existing elements. Build out and expand the language of your brand visually and conceptually.

10 / 12 / 23


Critique Packaging Systems

Signage Discussion

Scale Drawing Samples 
(Just Examples feel free to make your own and use these as guide!)


Contintue to refine packaging

(10-15) Explorations of signage. Think interior / exterior / drive thru / murals / etc.

(10-15) Explorations of additional applications. Think order numbers, merch, drive thru menu etc. These should be thing that relate your brand and enhance it.

10 / 17 / 23 


No Class (Fall Break)
Continue with Homework


Refinement of Signage and Additonal Applications

Keep Type size, hierarchy, scale at top of mind. How can you conceptually keep pushing your concept?

Think about how to lay out your boards in an interesitng way. Think layering / editorial / and engaging. Push scale. 

10 / 19 / 23


Final Project Due


Swap Classes